The primary focus of this site is for a simple, foreclosure only website that is easy to navigate. That said, you are free to conduct as complex of searches as you actually like by customizing the searches as you see fit. You can do so at this custom search link or by using the quick and simple pre-saved links posted on this site’s main page here. Note that if searches below $100,000 are desired, they should be done using the customized searches, as this site in general will list from $100k on up. (I specialize in foreclosures priced from about that point, though I can certainly recommend associates who are very knowledgeable about properties below that figure, so feel free to ask for recommendations).
Please note when doing custom searches: you can specify max days listed (and therefore view the newest listings on the market), specify foreclosures yes/no, short sales yes/no, gulf access, type of waterfront (hint: choose G/A via no bridge if you want sailboat access) and a very large array of other complex options. I also recommend that you make sure you choose status of only ‘active’ listings, intentionally omitting ‘active contingent’ and ‘active contingent short sales’ since those are already under contract anyway.
And though this site is focused on Cape Coral, the customized search functions fully cover the following areas as well: Fort Myers, North Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach, Estero, Bonita Springs, Naples, Sanibel Island, Captiva Island and Pine Island, including Saint James City and Bokeelia.
Note: If you save searches or specific properties on that site note that these two sites work independently- to view saved ones there, simply log in on that site and vice versa here. Though recommendations to sign up may appear, neither site will require any signup, so it’s purely optional. You may of course also wish to give me a call at 239-603-6100 if you are to the point where you are pretty serious and want me to be a lot more hands-on and involved in the process.
One other item I’d like to point out is that while this website is superior to most all others since I actively keep it updated for both the new listings and to immediately omit any that go pending, there is one limitation you should know about. Real estate websites including this one obtain all the listings via a data feed called IDX. However a small % of brokerages opt of participating, so there will be a small % of listings that won’t appear on this or really any other site. They are of course known to me though and fully available to me in my Realtor MLS system. The point of all that is that if you are indeed pretty serious and don’t want to miss that potential one that didn’t make it on the site to simply give me a call at 239-603-6100 so that I can instead start keeping tabs for your criteria in the true MLS system instead.
If you are planning a visit down to Cape Coral or Southwest Florida on a real estate seeking expedition, I recommend viewing the properties on this site to get a feel for what you can realistically expect for pricing and then being in touch with me at 239-603-6100 to discuss the particulars of what you are after, and to discuss the dates of your visit. In this part of Florida, this is very much business as usual and I’ve met with numerous individuals, especially from up North, who may not be all that familiar with the area. That’s perfectly fine and we can come up with a strategy as to the best way for you to get a feel for the area and to view properties of interest while you are here, if the area seems to be a match for your needs.
Please note: I routinely mail out maps of the complex Cape Coral canal system to potential buyers and would be happy to do so for you too, in advance of your trip. Just give me a call so that I can take down your info to get that out to you. Again, my number is 239-603-6100.
Also, if you aren’t all that familiar with the area I have a decent description of the area written exactly for that purpose. I refer to it as my Tutorial to understanding the area, and though it’s actually on one of my other websites, it’s a good idea to review it. Note that it is mostly tailored for those after Gulf access waterfront homes in Cape Coral, but even those outside those parameters may find some benefit in reading it as well. You can view it here.
It may also be beneficial to download the free mobile phone app at this link. It work on most any phone and brings up all properties in proximity to your location, so it’s especially handy when driving through neighborhoods in the area to get a feel for pricing.
If you are planning a real estate related visit to the Cape Coral area in the not too distant future, having a map of Cape Coral mailed to you in advance could come in handy to help chart the area. Because the footprint of the city is actually quite big (surprising as it may sound, it’s the second biggest city geographically in Florida), the network of canals, in particular, is extremely complicated and chops the city up in a complex pattern of roads. This map will help make sense of it all and will also include important features such as the the bridge heights, which will be of importance to many boaters. Just give me a call at 239-603-6100 to have me mail you one.